Hey everybody,
I know its been a minute since I posted, so I thought I'd give you all an update of what's happening with me BTS.
K&L's Musically Massive Experience - Yep, that is happening this month. Hopefully sooner rather than later. Progress is going really well and I'll have some bts sketches posted on my Twitter soon.
2nA Pics - Also still going stong, just a small break until I finish with MME. They will be finished soon.
Upcoming Comics & Stories:
Keia's Quirk 3 - A lot more fleshed out than the two previous ones.
Pandaren Brewmaster Adaptation - The amazing CapnSqueaks from FA has given me permission to adapt his audio story into a comic. I'm super excited to work on it, and hope you all enjoy it when it comes out.
Karaoke Night (Super SFW Story) - Similar to how I made Couple of Troubles.
Locke's Museum Madness - A Locke centered story and a new character is introduced.
Treyja's Ultimate Rival - Remember that Blonde I told you to remember?
??? (Probably not this year) - An upcoming comic that... (gulp) is going to be my first paycomic. Which scares me to no end to say, especially out loud, but I am really excited for this one and I can't wait to share more about it. Hope you all look forward to it.
Thats it for updates at the moment, hope you all stay tuned to what's coming, hope you all like what you see, thanks for keeping up. See ya.